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CCIE employment direction ccie r&s written dumps 2019

If you want 100% pass CCIE WRITTEN EXAM or CCIE LAB EXAM, PASSHOT can give you the greatest help!

CCIE has many directions, such as routing and switching, security, big data, and so on. When you pass these CCIE exams, the job is good to find, but find a good job, but also find it! So do CCIE to find a job guide! Let's first take a look at a section of a piece of Keiko and Zhuangzi written by Zhuangzi in the Xiaoyao Tour: Keiko said to Zhuangzi: "Wei Wang gave me a big gourd seed. The gourd I planted with it has a large capacity of five stones. It is used to hold water, and its hardness is not enough to bear; it is cut open. In the scoop, it is too big to be released. This gourd can't be said to be small, but I broke it because it was useless." Zhuangzi said: "You are too bad at using big things! Song Guo has a person who is good at making anti-hand cracking medicine. His family has been relying on important things for generations to rinse." One guest heard, willing He paid a hundred gold to buy his prescription. He then summoned his own people to discuss and said: 'We have been washing the silk for generations, but the income is not a hundred dollars. Now I can sell this medicine and I will get a hundred gold. Please allow me to sell it to him. "When the guest gets this prescription, he goes to lobby Wu Wang. At this time, the Vietnamese troops sent troops to invade Wu, and Wu Wang sent him to lead the enemy. In the winter, he fought against the country and defeated the army. Wu Wang then Mark the land to give him a gift. The function of the prescription for cracking is the same. Some people use it to get a reward, but some people just use it to rinse the silk. This is because the party’s use is different. Now you have five stones. The capacity of the big gourd, why not consider it tied to the waist to float the rivers and lakes, but just too much useless! You really do not open!" Most people use CCIE's value to get a satisfactory job. The monthly salary is 20K, and the 7K-15K is more common! A small number of people are not striding a lot, and wages are not sesame blossoming! In fact, CCIE is like the prescription mentioned above. It is a "golden" light flashing itself, but it has a different value with different people's different uses. Moreover, CCIE is also like the big gourd, but there are some people who don't really know its use like Keiko. Of course, more people like Zhuangzi can use it to smile. "Zhuangzi" read it all for fun, and "Keiko" may have to look carefully! ! ! We know that the process of finding a job is a process of selling yourself out! A salesman must follow two basic principles: First, be sure to believe that your product is of great value to customers. Second, we must find a customer who has real needs for this product. Here, the product is your own. The salesman is also your own. You must know yourself and know each other. Your value (1) CCIE is the king of technology Anyone who has passed CCIE knows that CCIE has a wide range of knowledge, including routing, switching, bridging, security, QOS, voice, multicast, etc. for routing and switching. According to Cisco's official statement, all Cisco IOS12.0 support all features are within the scope of the exam. More than 500 M docment CD documents are just a part of all Cisco documentation. And the examination is very detailed, such as the routing protocol, always test some of the experience problems encountered in the ordinary work, when the "bird" encounters these problems, it can only be a word "dish", when the "shrimp" encounter To these problems, it will become a "big" word, tired lying on the ground can not afford. Can get such a complex network in a short day. It can only be the husband of the iron fan princess - not only the cow, but also the word of the devil! Therefore, people who have passed CCIE are not only useful to the company from a technical point of view, but also useful. For the company that is "killing the cold", you are in the snow, for the company with high skill, you are the icing on the cake! (2) The number of CCIE itself is worth To apply for Cisco's gold and silver agents, you must need a certain number of CCIEs, including 4 for gold medals, 2 for silver medals, and a lot of big projects to bid. When bidding, the company with CCIE can specify the price. How many points are added. These are the real benefits of CCIE! (3) CCIE is more expensive At present, the number of CCIEs in China has exceeded 1,000, but with the rapid development of China's network construction, CCIE is still in short supply. And today's CCIE figures are not really the number of CCIEs in China. Many people do not engage in civil wars after they have passed the exam in China, but go abroad to "aggress" other countries. Also, everyone does not see the United States now. There are 3,977 IEs, but IE is still a white-collar worker in white-collar workers! IE has two thresholds and decided not to flood in a short period of time. (1) The technical threshold, as I have seen from above, how difficult it is to test a CCIE. There are no years of experience in blood and tears. There are no N-months of cantilevered thorns. Those who are not strong will be discouraged. (2) The threshold of funds, everyone knows that in general, a CCIE has invested a total of 50,000 yuan. You think that the average person can't get this number by personal strength for several years. People who don't have a wife don't want to save money. This is my personal experience. However, I have taken my wife, and the money is almost spent. In short, there is no money. Therefore, many people are sucking blood everywhere, but the successful vampire is a minority! A penny can kill a hero, a situation of 5 million? Therefore, there are more heroes and heroes who have more than enough power, and they have more than enough money. They are in front of IE all day, and their heroes are short-lived. You should be convinced that the days when IE is everywhere will never happen. Another point is that in order to maintain the value of CCIE and prevent oversupply, Cisco has a certain amount of control over the growth of CCIE every year. Now it is about 1,000 people per year worldwide! Fully synchronized with Cisco's product sales growth pace! (4) CCIE has great brand value But if you are engaged in the IT industry, few people do not know CCIE, because CCIE is a symbol of technical masters and a symbol of the company's technical strength. Even some Meimei know, because for them, CCIE is a symbol of money, CCIE = Ports + L'Oreal. CCIE has a great "name" effect. The brand value of Coca-Cola is more than 700 million. If the brand value of CCIE is evaluated, it is estimated that there are several billion. Your value is not only reflected in your technology, but also in the goodwill that the company brings. And the value of these things is immeasurable. You should raise these things because you should be confident. (5) People are divided into groups Some people look for a boyfriend, extremely a Shih Tzu, but the boyfriend who is looking for is a hardcore Wu Dalang, all of them are angry, feeling and drooling, looking for it, suddenly, cheerful, the man’s brother’s brother is one The rich merchants also made a fortune by selling sesame seeds, and now they are the chairman of a famous sesame seed group company! This is the relationship, the power of one person, after all, limited, it is difficult to become a forest! CCIEs are a group of people who excel in various fields. They come from different fields, and they are savvy and savvy. In addition to CCIE, they all have stunts in the original field. Everything is fine, there are very few people, and there are people like this, and ordinary companies can afford it! Moreover, anyone who pursues CCIE is a person who has a different opinion about life, and such a person is destined to work hard. According to the principle that the reward must be paid, it is naturally the promotion of the promotion and the fortune of making a fortune. So, you are CCIE, there must be such technical and social relations resources. Even if you are not good enough, I have heard of the Ravens, and the disgusting crow mouse has changed his identity as long as he stands on the platform. This is also called "fox fox tiger", enough enough! Oh, CCIE is a master, and vegetables and shrimp are relatively speaking. So, you can talk about how your friends are interested in it. Of course, everyone often discusses the problem together. Hehe! How to say, this is called "talking and laughing, there is no ruddy!" Raise yourself!" But, please note that everything can't be too much, other people's things can't be yours after all, this method should be properly and moderately applied, not as a pillar of life! Yi Yi: "Hey, Heng, Xiaoli has a rush." ​​I realized it, I can't understand it and ask me! :) (6) Beyond CCIE This is a relatively high level, suitable for those who can be comprehensive. The real master is to understate CCIE, left to talk about it! It’s hard to hear the words, and the technology is to rely on the hand to make money (laborers), and the management is to rely on the mouth to make money (workers). The laborers are the people, the laborers are the people. The process of people going to the heights and going to success is actually the process of changing from the laborer to the laborer. I think of many IEs who are decades old and still go to the routers, and the nose is sour. Because I don't know, CCIE has become his wing, or has become his shackles. The true master should come from technology and beyond technology. Without CCIE, there would be no us today, but forgetting CCIE, maybe we will have more tomorrow. This sentence is not everyone can understand! We all know that CCIE is a certification issued by Cisco, and we are crazy about Iraq, but how many people can explain why CCIE has such value? The success of CCIE is only a small part of Cisco's success, and who can have a clear idea of ​​Cisco's success! For a company's success, technology has never been dominant, and Cisco has a well-known theory that is technology agnostic! For such a company that started with technology, how much courage and courage it takes to get such a theory! And doing so ensures that Cisco's technology is leading step by step! This is a reasonful dialectic! Isn't we not only learning Cisco's technology, but also learning more from it? What's outside of technology is what Cisco really is. If you are a master in this area, then you will adopt this strategy and believe that your salary will double. Because you can not only make money for the company, but also guide the company to make money! To sell things, of course, find one you want to buy. If you go to the monk to sell the comb, whether you are boxwood or something ivory, whether you are 10 yuan or 1000 dollars, he will not buy it because the comb is for him. Useless. Can you go to those who have enough food to sell Mercedes-Benz cars? It certainly won't, not because they don't want it, but because they can't afford it. After understanding these reasons, then you will seize the essence of "sell yourself"! The first is to find a company that wants to be your own, and the second is to find a company that can afford it. (-) Network equipment manufacturer These companies have made a fortune with the development of the Internet. Because of the financial affairs, they are so savvy that they can throw hundreds of millions of dollars or billions of dollars into their eyes. Therefore, your annual salary of hundreds of thousands of RMB, for them, is like watching an elephant, then going to see the ants, only pity in the heart. And you, like a big fish fell into the Pacific Ocean, whatever you jump! Cisco, Nortel, Alcatel, Lucent, Juniper, 3COM, Ericsson, extreme, foundry, intel, Huawei, harbor, UT Starcom, etc. These names are glittering in front of us like gold, and every brand is worth Liancheng. Of course, CCIE is mainly based on Cisco, so Cisco will certainly not refuse. But will other companies accept it? Will do! There are three reasons. One is that CCIE itself has a good technical foundation. Network technology is generally a standard technology. Each manufacturer is the same, and the configuration is similar! A good technician can be used to bypass the class and it is easy to get started. The second is the convergence of some manufacturers' products with Cisco. These manufacturers often adopt the following strategy. Cisco is like the rabbit, while other manufacturers are like turtles, biting the tail of the rabbit tightly, so the rabbit runs. How fast, how fast the turtle will be! Therefore, CCIE is like training for them, so of course it will be accepted. The third reason is that "captives" are more convincing. We watched the Eighth Route Army's movies and often saw the use of some old prisoners who had already been sincere, to persuade those new prisoners, and to say tears of the Communist Party, the Kuomintang's bad, this This way is very lethal. The same reason, other companies generally use CCIE to come out and say, generally say: "I am CCIE, so I know quite a lot about Cisco. In fact, Cisco's things are also very general, but the market is doing well, we This product is similar to Cisco's, and even stronger in some respects, and the price is only…" However, these companies are implementing three high policies, high investment, high risk and high return. You are the two highs that belong to the front. Because of the network bubble in the past few years, the strength of these companies has been recovering in recent years, so it has become a four-high, plus a high blood pressure. Therefore, to go to these companies to find a job, the salary can not be opened too high. Generally recommended for foreign companies: 10000-20000 / month, domestic companies: 7000-15000 / month, of course, depending on your position flexible adjustment. (2) Related industry manufacturers Network devices are relatively basic facilities, and only if they work properly, other applications can run correctly. Therefore, network equipment is like roads and bridges. If they are not built well, it will be impossible. Normal network communication is even more difficult to talk about. Internet technology is so complicated, so there is OSI seven-layer model technology. Because of this complexity, each manufacturer can only put eggs in a basket. Therefore, it caused some problems. Let's look at a situation. A company that produces firewalls went to another company to install the firewall. Because the firewall was added later, it needed to make some changes and settings to the original network, but the network product was made by another company. Therefore, communication is extremely inconvenient, so you need a person who is very familiar with network products. If some companies' business is very critical and urgent, this is even more true. Otherwise, the security products have not been installed, and the network of people has been paralyzed. This is a big joke. There is also a company that develops streaming media technology, to install products for people, and to configure multicast and QOS on network devices. And this is not something everyone has to do, so these companies need some network experts. Many of these companies are companies that produce firewalls, companies that develop databases, and so on. At that time, always remember to find a big company. Of course, if you are a CCIE and a master of some other aspect, this compound talent can be the technical director. If you are not going to be a technical director, you are advised to offer: 7000-12000/month. (3) Telecom operators China's telecom companies are now in a 5+1 format, China Telecom, China Netcom, China Unicom, China Railcom, and China Mobile. They are all big ponds, and how big a fish can be raised. Radio and television is also a better choice. The final data must be carried by IP, which is already a consensus, so no matter which big carrier is developing IP bearer network. Whether it is a simple network device or a so-called multi-service platform, what CCIE has learned is indispensable. Therefore, the demand for network talents by major operators is huge. There is also a consensus that these telecom operations

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